Guizhou - China   2024-04-20   Saturday   27.06N, 106.97E


Guizhou - China


Issue date: 2024-04-20T16:01+08:00

【贵阳市自然资源和规划局、市应急管理局与市气象局】 2024年4月20日16时01分发布地质灾害气象风险蓝色预警:预计未来24小时,云岩区大部;息烽县鹿窝乡、温泉镇东部、小寨坝镇东部;开阳县金中镇、永温至楠木渡沿乌江临岸一带、冯三镇西部、城关镇北部局部、龙岗至毛云沿鱼梁河临岸一带;乌当区下坝镇北部、新堡乡东部、水田镇北部局部;白云区牛场乡东部局部;花溪区青岩镇北部局部、小孟社区东部、花孟社区东部;清镇市红枫湖镇、站街镇南西部局部、犁倭镇南部等地有一定地质灾害气象风险(蓝色预警)。请切实加强地质灾害隐患点和风险斜坡的巡排查工作,确保防范不留盲区,不留死角。

Kaiyang County Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow warning for heavy fog [III/severe]

Issue date: 2024-04-20T08:26+08:00

At 08:26 on April 20, 2024, the Kaiyang County Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for heavy fog: Currently, fog with visibility less than 500 meters has appeared in towns (streets) such as Shuangliu, Yongwen, and urban areas in our county, and it is expected to continue in the future. Please drive carefully; Please refer to the Meteorological Disaster Prevention Guidelines for relevant units and personnel to do a good job in disaster prevention and reduction.


Fog with visibility less than 500 meters may appear within 12 hours, or fog with visibility less than 500 meters and greater than or equal to 200 meters may have appeared and will continue.


1. Relevant departments and units shall make preparations for anti-fog in accordance with their duties;

2. Airports, highways, ferry terminals and other units strengthen traffic management to ensure safety;

3. Drivers pay attention to the change of fog and drive carefully;

4. Pay attention to safety in outdoor activities.