Yunnan - China   2024-04-27   Saturday   25.48N, 100.55E


Yunnan - China

Xiangyun County Meteorological Observatory issues a Level II forest fire risk warning

Issue date: 2024-04-22T14:15+08:00

At 14:15 on April 22, 2024, the Xiangyun County Meteorological Bureau and the Xiangyun County Forestry and Grassland Bureau jointly issued a Level II forest fire risk meteorological warning: it is expected that in the next 7 days, the county will mainly have cloudy and sunny weather, with high temperatures, low humidity, and strong winds. The forest fire risk meteorological level will still be maintained at a high-risk level, which is prone to forest fires. Please pay attention to prevention.


The forest fire risk level is four. Highly dangerous, combustibles in the forest are easy to burn, forest fires are prone to occur, and the fire spreads quickly.


1. Further strengthen the publicity and education of forest fire prevention;

2. Increase the intensity of patrolling and protecting forests, and strictly control the sources of fire in the wild;

3. Make full preparations for fire fighting and disaster relief, and enter the state of fire fighting;

4. Kabu points should be set up in key fire danger areas, and it is forbidden to bring fire into the mountains;

5. It is forbidden to use fire outdoors in the forest or the edge of the forest, and all mountain smelting operations shall be stopped.