Xinjiang - China   2024-07-27   Saturday   45.60N, 84.87E


Xinjiang - China


Issue date: 2024-07-27T12:37+08:00



The maximum temperature will rise above 40°C within 24 hours.


1. Relevant departments and units shall take emergency measures to prevent heatstroke and reduce temperature in accordance with their duties;

2. Stop outdoor operations (except for special industries);

3. Take protective measures for the elderly, the weak, the sick, and the young;

4. Relevant departments and units should pay special attention to fire prevention.

Karamay Meteorological Station issued a yellow lightning warning [Level III/heavy]

Issue date: 2024-07-27T09:25+08:00

At 9:25 on July 27, 2024, Karamay Meteorological Station issued a yellow lightning warning signal: it is estimated that in the next 6 hours, Karamay District may have convective weather such as lightning, short-term heavy rainfall, strong gusts, etc. Please take precautions.


Lightning activities may occur within 6 hours, which may cause lightning disasters.


1. The government and relevant departments shall do a good job in lightning protection according to their duties;

2. Pay close attention to the weather and try to avoid outdoor activities.