Guangdong - China   2024-05-01   Wednesday   22.72N, 114.25E


Guangdong - China


Issue date: 2024-05-01T04:38+08:00



Rainfall will reach more than 50 mm within 3 hours, or it has reached more than 50 mm and the rainfall may continue.


1. The government and relevant departments shall do a good job in anti-storm emergency work in accordance with their duties;

2. Cut off the dangerous outdoor power supply and suspend outdoor operations;

3. Units in dangerous areas should suspend classes or business, and take special measures to protect the safety of students, infants and other workers who have arrived at school;

4. Do a good job of drainage of waterlogging in cities and farmland, and take precautions against possible disasters such as mountain floods, landslides, and mudslides.


Issue date: 2024-04-30T20:17+08:00



Lightning activities may occur within 6 hours, which may cause lightning disasters.


1. The government and relevant departments shall do a good job in lightning protection according to their duties;

2. Pay close attention to the weather and try to avoid outdoor activities.