Henan - China   2024-07-27   Saturday   33.77N, 113.19E


Henan - China


Issue date: 2024-07-27T09:16+08:00



It may be affected by strong winds within 24 hours, with an average wind force of 6 or higher, or gusts of 7 or higher; or it has been affected by strong winds, with an average wind of 6-7, or 7-8 gusts and may continue.


1. The government and relevant departments should do a good job of preventing gale in accordance with their duties;

2. Close doors and windows, reinforce hoardings, scaffolds, billboards and other structures that are easily blown by the wind, properly arrange outdoor objects that are easily affected by high winds, and cover building materials;

3. Water operations in relevant waters and passing ships take active countermeasures, such as returning to the port to avoid wind or sailing in a detour, etc.;

4. Pedestrians should avoid riding bicycles as much as possible, and do not stay under billboards, temporary structures, etc. when the wind is blowing;

5. Relevant departments and units pay attention to the fire prevention of forests and grasslands.


Issue date: 2024-07-26T15:00+08:00

河南省气象台2024年7月26日15时00分发布暴雨黄色预警:2024年第3号台风“格美”于25日19时50分前后在福建省莆田市秀屿区沿海登陆,将以每小时15公里左右的速度经闽、赣、鄂皖交界向西北方向移动。预计台风“格美”残余低压将于27日夜间从信阳进入我省。 受台风外围螺旋云系及台风残余低压环流影响,预计26日夜里到28日,我省将有强风雨天气,东南部、中东部、北部有大到暴雨,部分县(市、区)大暴雨,局部特大暴雨,伴有短时强降水、7到8级(局部10到11级)的阵风;累计降水量:北部、中东部、东南部50到80毫米,部分县(市、区)100到200毫米,局部200到300毫米,个别站点可达400毫米以上。 请密切关注属地气象部门滚动发布的最新预报信息和气象灾害预警信号,做好防范应对工作。上述地区的相邻县(市、区)也需关注。 防御指南: 1.政府、相关部门及气象灾害防御重点单位按照职责做好防台、防雨、防风、防雷工作,密切关注属地气象部门滚动发布的最新预报信息和气象灾害预警信号; 2.学校、幼儿园及线下培训机构可提前或推迟上下学时间,确保学生、幼儿安全; 3.做好涉山涉水景区景点、民宿、宿营地、网红打卡地、文物单位等隐患排查和安全防范,必要时关闭高风险区域场所; 4.有关部门和单位加大对桥涵隧道、漫水路(桥)、沿河道路的巡查频次,视情况对强降雨路段和积水路段进行交通管制; 5.暂停户外作业,减少非必要个人外出,不要在树下避雨,警惕井盖、下水道、排污井,远离水浸或裸露的电线和灯杆、电箱等带电设施,远离建筑工地临时围墙及建在山坡上的围墙等,切勿在高楼、广告牌下躲雨或停留,避免前往山区、河道等危险地带,确保安全; 6.驾车出行应当尽量绕开积水路段、漫水路(桥)和下沉式立交桥,遇到积水较深的路段,不要贸然涉水通过,车辆涉水熄火应快速撤离,避免将车辆停放在低洼易涝等危险区域; 7.预置排水设备,疏通排水沟渠,做好农田排涝准备,加强塘堰坝库堤巡查防守,做好山洪、中小河流洪水、崩塌、滑坡、泥石流等灾害的防御准备; 8.适时组织山区涉洪工地营地、山脚下、河道边、山洪沟口等危险地带人员和危房居民避险转移; 9.相关水域水上作业和过往船舶视情采取回港规避或者绕道航行等积极应对措施。


Rainfall will reach more than 50 mm within 6 hours, or it has reached more than 50 mm and the rainfall may continue.


1. The government and relevant departments shall do a good job in preventing rainstorms in accordance with their duties;

2. The traffic management department shall adopt traffic control measures on heavy rainfall road sections according to road conditions, and implement traffic guidance on road sections with stagnant water;

3. Cut off dangerous outdoor power supplies in low-lying areas, suspend outdoor operations in open areas, and transfer people in dangerous areas and residents of dangerous houses to safe places to avoid rain;

4. Check the drainage system of cities, farmlands, and fish ponds, and take necessary drainage measures.