Fujian - China   2024-04-26   Friday   25.05N, 116.42E


Fujian - China

Longyan Natural Resources Bureau issues a yellow warning for geological and meteorological risks

Issue date: 2024-04-26T09:55+08:00

The Longyan Natural Resources Bureau and the Longyan Meteorological Bureau jointly issued a yellow warning for geological disaster meteorological risks on April 26, 2024 at 09:55. From 10:00 on April 26, 2024 to 10:00 on April 27, 2024, the geological disaster meteorological risk warnings for Xiayang Town, Hukeng Town, Hushan Township, and Daxi Township in Yongding District, Yanggu Township in Changting County, Caixi Town, Guanzhuang She Ethnic Township, and Coral Township in Shanghang County, Pingchuan Street, Zhongshan Town, Zhongbao Town, Taoxi Town, Chengxiang Town, Dongliu Town, Wudong Town, Wan an Town, and Yongping Town in Wuping County were yellow, indicating a high likelihood of geological disaster occurrence. We should strengthen the monitoring of geological hazard hidden points and inspect and prevent high-risk areas such as high and steep slopes and gullies prone to mudslides. If any geological hazard is found, timely disaster prevention and avoidance measures should be taken to ensure the safety of people s lives.