Fujian - China   2024-07-27   Saturday   26.79N, 117.81E


Fujian - China


Issue date: 2024-07-26T21:54+08:00



Within 24 hours may be or has been affected by a tropical cyclone, coastal or land average wind force is 6 or more, or gust can reach 8 or more and may persist.


1. The government and relevant departments shall make preparations for typhoon prevention in accordance with their duties;

2. Stop outdoor group activities and high-altitude outdoor dangerous operations;

3. Water operations in relevant waters and passing ships take active countermeasures, such as returning to the port to avoid wind or sailing in a detour, etc.;

4. Reinforce doors and windows, enclosures, scaffolds, billboards and other structures that are easily blown by the wind, and cut off dangerous outdoor power sources.


Issue date: 2024-07-26T19:51+08:00

福建省水文水资源勘测中心于2024年07月26日19时51分发布山洪灾害风险红色预警 :根据省气象台降雨数值预报,预计,07月26日19时至07月27日19时,以下区域可能出现山洪灾害风险:长汀县、上杭县、武平县发生山洪灾害可能性很大(红色预警);福清市、清流县、建宁县、安溪县、光泽县、新罗区、连城县发生山洪灾害可能性大(橙色预警);长乐区、闽侯县、罗源县、城厢区、涵江区、荔城区、秀屿区、仙游县、三元区、沙县区、明溪县、宁化县、将乐县、泰宁县、永安市、泉港区、南安市、云霄县、漳浦县、诏安县、平和县、建阳区、顺昌县、邵武市、武夷山市、永定区、漳平市、蕉城区发生山洪灾害可能性较大(黄色预警);马尾区、晋安区、连江县、永泰县、平潭综合实验区、同安区、翔安区、大田县、丰泽区、洛江区、惠安县、永春县、晋江市、龙文区、龙海区、长泰区、东山县、华安县、霞浦县、柘荣县、福安市、福鼎市可能发生山洪灾害(蓝色预警)。其它地区也可能因局地短历时强降水引发山洪灾害,请各地注意做好实时监测、防汛预警和转移避险等防范工作。

Nanping Water Resources Bureau issues orange warning for flash flood disaster risk

Issue date: 2024-07-26T19:51+08:00

At 19:51 on July 26, 2024, Nanping Water Resources Bureau issued an orange warning for flash flood disaster risk: According to the rainfall forecast of the Provincial Meteorological Observatory, it is expected that there may be flash flood disaster risk in the following areas in the next 24 hours: Orange warning areas: western and southwestern parts of Guangze County. Yellow warning area: Most of Shaowu City; Most of Jianyang District; Most of Shunchang County; Most of Guangze County; Most of Mount Wuyi City. Other regions may also experience flash floods due to local short-term heavy rainfall. Please pay attention to real-time monitoring, flood prevention warning, and evacuation measures to prevent such disasters.

Shunchang County Water Resources Bureau issues yellow warning for flash flood disaster risk

Issue date: 2024-07-26T19:46+08:00

At 19:46 on July 26, 2024, Shunchang County Water Resources Bureau issued a yellow warning for flash flood disaster risk: According to the rainfall forecast of the Provincial Meteorological Observatory, it is expected that there may be flash flood disaster risk in the following areas in the next 24 hours: Yellow warning area: southern Shuangxi Street; Southwest of Yuankeng Town; Central part of Pushang Town; West of Dagan Town; Northern part of Renshou Town; Northern part of Yangdun Township. Blue warning area: central part of Jianxi Town; Southern part of Yangkou Town; Lan went to the central part of the countryside. Other regions may also experience flash floods due to local short-term heavy rainfall. Please pay attention to real-time monitoring, flood prevention warning, and evacuation measures to prevent such disasters.


Issue date: 2024-07-26T17:29+08:00
