Chongqing - China   2024-05-18   Saturday   29.38N, 106.52E


Chongqing - China

Banan District Meteorological Bureau issued a blue rainstorm warning [Level IV/general]

Issue date: 2024-05-18T10:30+08:00

At 10:10 on May 18, 2024, the weather station of Banan District will issue the "rainstorm blue warning signal". From 00:00 on May 18 to 10:00 on May 18, the rainfall of Lianhua Street in our district has reached more than 50 mm and is expected to continue. It is expected that the rainfall of Yudong Street will also reach more than 50 mm in the next 6 hours, and the maximum hourly rainfall intensity can reach 10-20 mm. Please pay attention to precautions.


Rainfall will reach more than 50 mm within 12 hours, or it has reached more than 50 mm and the rainfall may continue.


1. The government and relevant departments shall make preparations for rainstorm prevention in accordance with their duties;

2. Schools and kindergartens take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of students and children;

3. Drivers should pay attention to road water and traffic jams to ensure safety;

4. Check the drainage systems of cities, farmlands, and fish ponds, and prepare for drainage.


Issue date: 2024-05-18T08:57+08:00



Fog with visibility less than 500 meters may appear within 12 hours, or fog with visibility less than 500 meters and greater than or equal to 200 meters may have appeared and will continue.


1. Relevant departments and units shall make preparations for anti-fog in accordance with their duties;

2. Airports, highways, ferry terminals and other units strengthen traffic management to ensure safety;

3. Drivers pay attention to the change of fog and drive carefully;

4. Pay attention to safety in outdoor activities.