Fujian - China   2024-04-29   Monday   25.09N, 116.10E


Fujian - China


Issue date: 2024-04-29T20:48+08:00

将乐县水利局于2024年04月29日20时48分发布山洪灾害风险黄色预警 :根据省气象台降雨数值预报,预计未来24小时,以下区域可能出现山洪灾害风险:黄色预警区域:古镛镇中部;万安镇北部;高唐镇东部;白莲镇南部;黄潭镇中部;水南镇东部;光明镇中部;漠源乡东部;南口镇南部;万全乡西南部;安仁乡北部;大源乡北部;余坊乡西北部。其它地区也可能因局地短历时强降水引发山洪灾害,请各地注意做好实时监测、防汛预警和转移避险等防范工作。

Wuping County Water Resources Bureau issues orange warning for mountain flood disaster risk

Issue date: 2024-04-29T20:15+08:00

The Water Resources Bureau of Wuping County issued an orange warning for mountain flood risk at 20:15 on April 29, 2024. According to the rainfall numerical forecast of the provincial meteorological station, it is expected that in the next 24 hours, there may be mountain flood risk in the following areas: orange warning area: eastern part of Zhongbao Town; North of Taoxi Town; North of Yongping Town. Yellow warning area: central part of Pingchuan Street; Southwest of Zhongshan Town; Southeast of Shifang Town; Southern part of Chengxiang Town; West of Dongliu Town; East of Wudong Town; Central part of Wan an Town; Northeast of Xiangdian Town; North of Dahe Town. Blue warning area: southeast of Yanqian Town; Southwest of Minzhu Township; Southern part of Xiaba Township; Southern part of Zhongchi Town; Southeast of Xiangdong Town. Other regions may also experience flash floods due to local short duration heavy rainfall. Please pay attention to real-time monitoring, flood prevention warning, and evacuation and other prevention measures.