Fujian - China   2024-04-25   Thursday   25.09N, 117.03E


Fujian - China


Issue date: 2024-04-25T11:49+08:00



Lightning activities may occur within 6 hours, which may cause lightning disasters.


1. The government and relevant departments shall do a good job in lightning protection according to their duties;

2. Pay close attention to the weather and try to avoid outdoor activities.

Xinluo Meteorological Station Releases rainstorm Blue Warning Signal

Issue date: 2024-04-25T08:49+08:00

At 08:49 on April 25, 2024, the meteorological station of Xinluo District, Longyan City downgraded the orange warning signal of rainstorm to the blue warning signal of rainstorm: rainstorm has occurred in some towns (streets) in our district, and it is expected that the precipitation in our district will continue in the next 6 hours. Please pay attention to prevent secondary disasters such as urban and rural waterlogging, landslides, mud rock flows, etc. that may be caused by heavy rainfall.


Rainfall will reach more than 50 mm within 12 hours, or it has reached more than 50 mm and the rainfall may continue.


1. The government and relevant departments shall make preparations for rainstorm prevention in accordance with their duties;

2. Schools and kindergartens take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of students and children;

3. Drivers should pay attention to road water and traffic jams to ensure safety;

4. Check the drainage systems of cities, farmlands, and fish ponds, and prepare for drainage.


Issue date: 2024-04-25T08:08+08:00

福建省水文水资源勘测中心于2024年04月25日08时08分发布山洪灾害风险黄色预警 :根据省气象台降雨数值预报,预计,04月25日08时至04月26日08时,以下区域可能出现山洪灾害风险:东山县、武平县发生山洪灾害可能性较大(黄色预警);云霄县、漳浦县、诏安县、南靖县、平和县、龙海区、新罗区、长汀县、永定区、上杭县、连城县可能发生山洪灾害(蓝色预警)。其它地区也可能因局地短历时强降水引发山洪灾害,请各地注意做好实时监测、防汛预警和转移避险等防范工作。