Zhejiang - China   2024-04-30   Tuesday   27.98N, 119.63E


Zhejiang - China


Issue date: 2024-04-29T22:26+08:00


Jingning County Meteorological Station issued a yellow rainstorm warning [Level III/heavy]

Issue date: 2024-04-29T22:13+08:00

At 22:13 on April 29, 2024, the Jingning County Meteorological Station issued a yellow rainstorm warning signal: due to the influence of convective clouds, a short-time heavy rainfall with an hourly rainfall intensity of more than 20 mm occurred in Gaopanyang Village, Hongxing Street, our county in the past two hours. It is expected that there will be obvious shower or thunderstorm weather in all towns (streets) of our county this night. The rainfall in most towns is 20~40 mm, and that in some towns is more than 50 mm. The focus will be on Yingchuan, Cormorant, Shawan, Qiulu, Maoyang, Jiadi, Dadi, Jingnan, Yanxi and other towns (streets). Please pay attention to preventing secondary disasters such as flash floods, landslides, and mudslides that may be induced by heavy rainfall.


Rainfall will reach more than 50 mm within 6 hours, or it has reached more than 50 mm and the rainfall may continue.


1. The government and relevant departments shall do a good job in preventing rainstorms in accordance with their duties;

2. The traffic management department shall adopt traffic control measures on heavy rainfall road sections according to road conditions, and implement traffic guidance on road sections with stagnant water;

3. Cut off dangerous outdoor power supplies in low-lying areas, suspend outdoor operations in open areas, and transfer people in dangerous areas and residents of dangerous houses to safe places to avoid rain;

4. Check the drainage system of cities, farmlands, and fish ponds, and take necessary drainage measures.

Jingning County Meteorological Observatory issues a yellow lightning warning [Level III/Severe]

Issue date: 2024-04-29T20:17+08:00

At 20:17 on April 29, 2024, the Jingning County Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow lightning warning signal: Due to the influence of convective cloud clusters, it is expected that all townships (streets) in our county will have strong lightning activity from tonight to tomorrow day. Local areas may be accompanied by short-term heavy rainfall of 20-40 millimeters per hour, as well as strong convective weather such as 6-8 level thunderstorms and strong winds. Please reduce outdoor activities, do a good job in lightning protection, and stay away from live equipment such as wires and other similar metal devices.


Lightning activities may occur within 6 hours, which may cause lightning disasters.


1. The government and relevant departments shall do a good job in lightning protection according to their duties;

2. Pay close attention to the weather and try to avoid outdoor activities.


Issue date: 2024-04-29T16:59+08:00
