Hainan - China   2024-04-26   Friday   19.25N, 110.47E


Hainan - China


Issue date: 2024-04-26T17:18+08:00




Qionghai Meteorological Observatory issues an orange high-temperature warning [Level II/Severe]

Issue date: 2024-04-26T12:11+08:00

On April 26, 2024, the Qionghai Meteorological Observatory issued an orange high-temperature warning signal: from 12:15 to 17:00, the highest temperature in Shibi Town, Huishan Town, Longjiang Town, Yangjiang Town, Jiaji Town, Tayang Town, Wanquan Town, Dalu Town, and Bincun Mountain Farm in our city will rise to above 37 ℃. Relevant units and personnel are advised to take preventive measures.


The maximum temperature will rise above 37°C within 24 hours.


1. Relevant departments and units implement safeguard measures for heatstroke prevention and cooling in accordance with their duties;

2. Try to avoid outdoor activities during high temperature periods, and those working under high temperature conditions should shorten the continuous working time;

3. Provide heatstroke prevention and cooling instructions for the elderly, the weak, the sick, and the young, and take necessary protective measures;

4. Relevant departments and units should take precautions against fires caused by excessive power consumption and excessive electrical loads such as wires and transformers.